Michael Carmen was just 20 years old when he offered to work an extra shift at a gas station for another employee. He was in college and two-weeks away from getting married. When Michael Carmen arrived for his job for that overnight shift, little did he know that the events of that early morning would end in his murder and would launch a global crime fighting organization called Crime Stoppers.
Case Information

Picture of Michael Carmen from his High School year book (Image courtesy of
Cal Millar)

Detective Greg MacAleese (Image Source)

Cal Millar at Michael Carmen’s Grave Site (Image courtsey of Cal Millar)

Author Cal Miller (Image Source)

Detective Greg MacAleese accepting award one year after starting Crime Stoppers.9i
(c. 1977) (Image Source)

“Crime Stoppers: The Inside Story” by Greg MacAleese and Cal Millar (Image Source)
Special thanks
A special ‘Thanks’ to Greg, Cal and The Judge for making the world safer through Crime Stoppers.

Greg MacAleese (L) and Cal Millar (R) (Image courtsey of Cal Millar)

Greg MacAleese, Cal Millar and Judge Richard Carter (AKA “The Judge”) (Image courtsey of Cal Millar)
P3 Global Intel

Founder of P3 Global Intel
(R) Troy Daniels: Host of True Crime Takedown
P3 Global Intel is an innovative company that recognizes how important human intelligence is in preventing violence and solving crime. The ability to receive tip information from the public can make the difference on whether a criminal case is solved or not. Thousands of police departments, Crime Stoppers programs, schools and government agencies are using P3 Global Intel to let the public send in mobile crime and safety tips directly from their cell phones, tablets and computers. These agencies are using P3 Global Intel to fully manage their tips and also have real-time two-way dialogue with their tipsters, and they are getting a ton of intel.
Kevin Anderson and his team have created the absolute best system to manage mobile crime and safety tips. Go to P3Intel.com to get further information.
Sources used to research this case
- Crime Stoppers: The Inside Story by Greg MacAleese and Cal Millar. 2016. Available through Amazon
- Albuquerque Metro Crime Stoppers
- Albuquerque Journal. APD detective started Crime Stoppers program 40 years ago in Albuquerque. October 16, 2016 by Elaine D. Briseño/Journal Staff Writer
- The MacAleese Files.com. Greg MacAleese – Founder of Crime Stoppers
- Crime Stoppers USA. ‘History’
- Crime Stoppers USA. ‘About CSUSA’
Full episode description
Michael Carmen was just 20 years old when he offered to work an extra shift at a gas station for another employee. He was in college and two-weeks away from getting married. When Michael Carmen arrived for his job for that overnight shift, little did he know that the events of that early morning would end in his murder and would launch a global crime fighting organization called Crime Stoppers.
Detective Greg MacAleese was a young investigator in the Albuquerque Violent Crimes Unit who was assigned to work this senseless murder. This fascinating story describes the new techniques that he used to get anonymous tips from the public and how those anonymous tips impacted this murder investigation as well as criminal cases around the world through local Crime Stoppers programs. As a result of his crime fighting efforts, Detective MacAleese was the 1977 National Police Officer of the Year and was named one of 240 people under the age of 40 who “Changed the Face of America” by Esquire Magazine”.
This podcast used the book “Crime Stoppers: The Inside Story” for much of the interesting information on this murder case. It was written by Greg MacAleese, the founder of Crime Stoppers, and Cal Millar. Cal retired after a lengthy career with the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest newspaper. He was a founding member of the Toronto Crime Stoppers program. Cal has been associated with Crime Stoppers at the local, national and international levels. Cal is the author of five additional crime related books, including: What is Crime Stoppers; I’m Missing – Please Find Me; Find My Killer; Keep Kids Safe – Don’t Let Our Schools Become Killing Zones and How a Colonel Became a Killer. “Crime Stoppers: The Inside Story” and the rest of Cal Millar’s books can be found on Amazon or at CalMillar.com.