One winter night, Ryan Riddell and Mark Prasse experienced unexpected and overwhelming violence inside Mark Prasse’s home, which cost them their lives. Murders do not usually happen in small towns in the...
Two suspects from Chicago with murder victim Arnie Graves’ car fled from a traffic stop by an Illinois State Trooper. The suspects then went on a crime spree throughout Central...
Was Arnie Graves’ murder the work of a satanic ritual serial killer, or was it just staged to look like it? The veteran Chicago Police Detective who investigated the murder describes it as something he had...
This episode is a story of heroism. It illustrates how quickly an unsuspecting police call for service can turn deadly. This is the story of Corporal Matthew Edwards’s murder in the line of duty, and how his...
Michael Carmen was just 20 years old when he offered to work an extra shift at a gas station for another employee. He was in college and two-weeks away from getting married. When Michael Carmen arrived for his job for that overnight shift...