One winter night, Ryan Riddell and Mark Prasse experienced unexpected and overwhelming violence inside Mark Prasse’s home, which cost them their lives. Murders do not usually happen in small towns in the...
Mid-August 1996, a young girl was left home alone while her dad went to work. When he returned several hours later, she was gone. On the day she went missing, Trudy Appleby was 11 years old and still enjoying her summer break from school. The...
This true crime story highlights the enduring love of a sister and her quest to find the killer who took her twin from her. In 1996, Jody LeCornu was just 23 when she ended up sitting in her car one early morning in a...
Michael Carmen was just 20 years old when he offered to work an extra shift at a gas station for another employee. He was in college and two-weeks away from getting married. When Michael Carmen arrived for his job for that overnight shift...